To all Junior Club Members,
As you have probably heard through the 2017 Class Council emails, all junior students are encouraged to take an online education and prevention training entitled Not Anymore! It is important for all students, particularly student leaders, to be well versed in violence prevention. Research on Princeton students suggests that 1 out of 4 male and female undergraduates have experienced some form of interpersonal violence. To help us create a safer environment at Princeton, we strongly urge you to take the 20-minute online training program.
To encourage participation, SHARE is offering:
– A top prize of $1,000 to purchase meaningful items (e.g. electronics, furniture) for the eating club with the highest percentage of junior members who complete the training.
– A $750 prize and $500 prize will be awarded to the clubs with the second and third highest response rates.
The training must be completed by midnight on January 29, 2016. Those of you who have already completed the training, will be included in the overall response rate for our club.
Here’s how to take the Not Anymore! training:
Step 1: Click here to access the program
Step 2: Enter access code 15774R
Step 3: Complete the Not Anymore Account Setup Page. Please remember your email and password as you will need them to leave and re-enter the program if necessary.
If you have accessed but not yet completed the program, do the following:
Step 1: Click here to access the program login page
Step 2: Enter your email address and password in the Returning User box. This is the email you entered and the password you created when you originally accessed the program. If you have forgotten your password, simply click the “forgot password” link on that same page.
If you run into any difficulties contact Student Success using the program HELP button or email Terry Lynn Pearlman.
Thank you, in advance, for doing your part in making our club and campus a safer place.
The SHARE Team